Produktai skirti prekės grąžinimo atostogų metu (29023)

Plati rankovė 100 mikronų 750 mm - Plastikinės rankovės ir plėvelės

Plati rankovė 100 mikronų 750 mm - Plastikinės rankovės ir plėvelės

Gaine grande largeur 100 microns 750 mm - Gaines et films plastique Référence:610075 État:Nouveau Couleur:Transparent Epaisseur:30 Matiere:PEBD Largeur:750
Džiovintos Cerise (Griotte) su obuolių sultimis - 2x6.25kg - Bio*

Džiovintos Cerise (Griotte) su obuolių sultimis - 2x6.25kg - Bio*

Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - De la famille des Rosaceae, ce fruit délicat n’est pas un fruit climactérique, c’est-à-dire qu’il n’a pas la possibilité de mûrir après la cueillette ; c’est pourquoi la Cerise Séchée VIJAYA, originaire de Turquie et de variété morello, est cueillie à pleine maturité au mois de juillet. Cela lui permet d’exprimer toutes ses qualités gustatives, dans un moelleux unique. Reference:14300
VCI Kraftpopierius APSAUGA - Antikorozinė apsaugos popierius užpildymui arba kaip tarpinis sluoksnis

VCI Kraftpopierius APSAUGA - Antikorozinė apsaugos popierius užpildymui arba kaip tarpinis sluoksnis

O papel Kraft EXCOR ABRIGO reúne as propriedades de uma embalagem convencional com a ação anticorrosiva VCI da EXCOR. O papel EXCOR ABRIGO é um papel Kraft de elevada qualidade, com propriedades de utilização. É resistente, flexível, resistente à abrasão e fácil de manusear. Devido à emissão das substâncias anticorrosivas VCI da EXCOR, estes papéis kraft proporcionam uma ação de duração prolongada. O facto de a ação existir em ambos os lados impede erros de aplicação. O papel EXCOR ABRIGO serve como embalagem interna com ação VCI, camada intermédia ou como portador de VCI adicionado. Além das dimensões padrão, fornecemos também segmentos e rolos em dimensões orientadas para a utilização. Para maior viabilidade económica, é possível o planeamento exato das quantidades necessárias para consumo. técnica de fornecimento (Technischen Lieferbedingung (TL)):8135-0002 regulamentação técnica sobre substâncias perigosas (Technischen Regel für Gefahrstoffe (TRGS)):615
Ekologiškos šveitimo kempinės žalios / rudos

Ekologiškos šveitimo kempinės žalios / rudos

Les grattoirs marrons sont fabriqués à partir de bouteilles plastiques PET recyclées et de poudre de coques de noix et de noisettes, les grattoirs verts 100% à partir de bouteilles plastiques recyclées. La partie éponge est fabriquée à partir de cellulose végétale. Fabrication dans une usine européenne sous la norme environnementale ISO 14001 (ensemble de normes environnementales). Bandeau en papier recyclé et imprimé avec des encres à base végétale chez un imprimeur certifié Imprim’vert. Fabrication en Europe occidentale. Référence:DO034
Šluotos - Produktai

Šluotos - Produktai

Vous pouvez commander chez nous une palette avec poignées.
Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Jūsų renginiui

Jūsų renginiui

Animation pour vos soirées privées ou public ​ - Diffusion de sponsors​ - Présentation, diffusion d'images, vidéos,..
ATSTATOMOJI KREMAS RC IKS - Intensyvi plaukų atkuriamoji kremas

ATSTATOMOJI KREMAS RC IKS - Intensyvi plaukų atkuriamoji kremas

E’ una crema ristrutturante intensiva che nutre, idrata e rinvigorisce i capelli. Specifica per i capelli secchi, fragili e sfruttati è però indicata per tutti i tipi di capelli siano essi trattati o naturali. Può essere usata come condizionante oppure, lasciata in posa per una decina di minuti, come vera e proprio maschera ristrutturante. A base di ingredienti naturali, dona corposità, morbidezza ed elasticità a cute e capelli. In modo particolare: Olio di Avocado: grazie alle vitamine A, E e B, dona corpo e lucentezza ai capelli. Ricco in fitosteroli garantisce morbidezza senza lasciare untuosità. Estratto di Aloe Barbadensis: dal marcato effetto antinfiammatorio, batteriostatico e nel contempo rinfrescante, idrata e lenisce le cuti secche e disidratate. Estratto Glicolico di Ginkgo Biloba: dall’alto contenuto di flavonoidi, agisce sui capelli come agente protettivo contro i radicali liberi. Proteine idrolizzate di soia: idratano la cute ed hanno effetto condizionante sui capelli. Flacone salone:500 g Flacone per home care:200 g
3020 FFP2 NR - Aukščiausios kokybės produktas rinkoje, kai testuojamas veido pritaikymas

3020 FFP2 NR - Aukščiausios kokybės produktas rinkoje, kai testuojamas veido pritaikymas

Preformed cup shape mask offering outstanding protection coupled with exceptional levels of fit and comfort ProductType:Respirator Protection Level:FFP2
Ekologiška Damasco rožė 50ml ir 100ml

Ekologiška Damasco rožė 50ml ir 100ml

Nom botanique : Rosa damascena Origine : Bulgarie UGS:HY-07 Contenant:50ml, 100ml
Chirurginių Kauklių Dėžutė - Medicinos Produktai

Chirurginių Kauklių Dėžutė - Medicinos Produktai

Plus d’informations ? Contactez-nous ! - REF : MBC-3012
Rankų dezinfekantas 100ml - Visos prekės

Rankų dezinfekantas 100ml - Visos prekės

Le Gel Hydroalcoolique permet un nettoyage et une désinfection rapide des mains sans rinçage. Bactériciden, levuricide, virucide et efficace sur le Coronavirus Appliquer une noisette de gel (3ml) dans le creux de la main et frictionner les mains pendant 30 secondes. Catégories:Gel, Tous les produits Étiquette:Gel main PCS / COLIS:48 COLIS/ PALETTE:108 Poids:0.1 kg
CNC Pjovimas - CNC Dažymas - CNC Lakštų Apdirbimas - CNC Metalo Pjovimas - CNC Suvirinimas - CNC Metalo Gamyba

CNC Pjovimas - CNC Dažymas - CNC Lakštų Apdirbimas - CNC Metalo Pjovimas - CNC Suvirinimas - CNC Metalo Gamyba

TM Mühendisli Ltd. Şti started its commercial life in 2009 in order to provide raw and processed metal products trading, manufacturing and engineering services to our industrial establishments in our region. Our business continues its commercial activities in a total of 3250m2 closed and 1500m2 open area in Torbalı and Bornova Doğanlar. Cnc sheet metal work Turkey Turkey Cnc sheet metal work Cnc sheet metal work Cnc metal work Cnc sheet work Cnc sheet metal Good Cnc sheet metal work Best Cnc sheet metal work Good Cnc sheet metal work Turkey Best Cnc sheet metal work Turkey cnc laser cutter cnc laser engraver cnc laser cutting machine cnc laser operator cnc laser table cnc laser cutting cnc laser cutter for sale cnc laser operator salary cnc laser attachment cnc laser and router cnc laser alignment cnc laser and 3d printer cnc laser arduino cnc laser acrylic cutter cnc a laser build a cnc laser cutter how a cnc laser cutting
Valomoji Losjonas

Valomoji Losjonas

Cleansing Lotion efficiently removes all kinds of make-up and impurities from the face. The lotion contains polyvinylpyrrolidone, water-soluble olive oil and extracts of medical plants - chamomile, calendula, green tea, witch-hazel. These ingredients allow the product to gently cleanse the face of any kind of make-up, moisturize, nourish, invigorate and protect the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and reducing fatigue. Active ingredients:polyvinylpyrrolidone, water-soluble olive oil, chamomile, calendula, green tea Usage:make-up removal, cleansing of the face before procedures Shelf life:2 years Bottles:200 ml
Valymo Skystis - Medicinos Produktai

Valymo Skystis - Medicinos Produktai

CE sertifikası ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485, ISO 10002, ISO 45001 sertifikası
Aerozolis Valiklis - Pramoninė Priežiūra

Aerozolis Valiklis - Pramoninė Priežiūra

Puissant dissolvant de matières organiques avec évaporation et séchage ultra rapide. Grande stabilité chimique en milieu oxydant ou basique. Non corrosif. Exempt d’hydrocarbure chloré, sans vapeur nocive. Préparation inflammable, gaz propulseur ininflammable, ne laisse pas de résidu. *AVANTAGES Il convient parfaitement pour dégraisser ou dissoudre des huiles, graisses et bitumes, résines non polymérisées silicones, colles, encres d’impression, etc. Efficace sur toutes surfaces métalliques. Améliore les performances des parties de freinage et d’embrayage grâce à son fort pouvoir nettoyant (tambours, disques, plaquettes, cylindres, etc…). Permet de bien détremper les pièces encrassées sans laisser de résidu. Utilisable dans de nombreuses industries ou la dissolution de polymère est nécessaire. Référence:IND-AERDEG/600 Poids:600 ML
Vakuuminės mašinos RISTO SMART - Naujos kartos vakuuminės mašinos su kvapų sistema produktų atpažinimui

Vakuuminės mašinos RISTO SMART - Naujos kartos vakuuminės mašinos su kvapų sistema produktų atpažinimui

Latest generation machine suitable for RESTAURANTS, BUTCHERS, FOOD INDUSTRIES, TRACTORIES and wherever there is the need to vacuum pack both solid and liquid products The AUTOMATIC product recognition system allows you to switch from one production to another without having to change settings. Cooks who work in the kitchen know very well how problematic it is when multiple colleagues have to use the same machine and package different products The color keypad is extremely functional and allows you to change program and vacuum percentage in just a few seconds. Extremely easy to clean vacuum chamber and raised suction. Example model:FP41 RISTO SMART Bar type:1 front mm 410 Machine type:bench Chamber dimensions:mm 417x450x220H (100+120) Vacuum pump: 25 m3/h Num nozzles (gas option):2 Max. bags size:mm 400x500
Multifunkcinis Anti-Aging Veido ir Kaklo Kremas - Su CBD, Hialurono Rūgštimi, Retinoliu ir Vitaminu E

Multifunkcinis Anti-Aging Veido ir Kaklo Kremas - Su CBD, Hialurono Rūgštimi, Retinoliu ir Vitaminu E

Experience the difference of all Natural Skincare from the very first application. With CBD crystals, Hemp Oil, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol and Vitamin E this cream restructures the skin giving it elasticity and freshness that lasts A Certified ECO-BIO Product. Detailed Product Description Fight the signs of aging on the areas of the face and neck with this powerful ECO-BIO certified multiactive anti-aging cream. The mixture of CBD crystals and organic hemp oil, rich in antioxidants Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats, penetrates deep into the skin, providing necessary nutrition and freshness. Hyaluronic acid enhances moisture and elasticity by stimulating the regeneration of new cells while the combination of vitamin E and Retinol directly reduces the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, rebuilding the skin and replenishing its elasticity for a skin that is plumper, smoother and younger-looking.
Šilumos atgavimo sistema - Energijos taupymui ir tvariai gamybai

Šilumos atgavimo sistema - Energijos taupymui ir tvariai gamybai

Our heatrecovery systems heat fresh air with the thermal energy of exhaust air and can be placed directly on top of a stenter frame. This system can also be retrofitted for older dryers. The benefits are high energy savings which allow payback periods of less than two years, depending on the layout and process, highly efficient platetype heat exchangers with nonstick coating, optimum ease of maintenance by removable drawersized heat exchanger modules, external cleaning of the heatexchangers in a hot water bath with ultrasonic cleaning equipment, high power density, higher than with usual tubetype heatexchangers.
Pita duonos gamybos linija - 6 visiškai automatinės mašinos - gamybos pajėgumas iki 4000 vnt./val.

Pita duonos gamybos linija - 6 visiškai automatinės mašinos - gamybos pajėgumas iki 4000 vnt./val.

all line is made of food-grade materials - the machines gained ISO and CE certificates - 0ne year warranty- it works by gas or diesel - it is fully automatic. - it works by the pneumatic system - the oven works by the infrared system and it withstands high temperatures. ability to fit big and medium places. our engineers are ready to plan your place.
RFID Inlay Gamyba - WCE2000 - Automatinė Gamybos Sistema

RFID Inlay Gamyba - WCE2000 - Automatinė Gamybos Sistema

The WCE2000 is our fastest and most productive high-volume system for wire embedding and RFID inlay production. You get unrivalled real-world throughput with up to 4,050 antennas per hour as antenna embedding machine and up to 2,000 finished RFID inlays per hour as inlay manufacturing line. This modular and flexible system allows processing of various substrates and provides sheet to sheet (S2S), reel to sheet (R2S), or reel to reel (R2R) handling. WCE700 - Semi-Automatic Production System The very economical WCE700 can handle both small jobs and high-volume runs easily with up to 1,600 inlay sheets per hour. The system is capable to work with a wide range of substrates and can also be used for only antenna embedding, with unrivalled speed, accuracy and the quality of antennas that it produces. WCE150 - Laboratory System You are looking for a convenient solution for laboratory usage to produce prototypes or low-volume jobs? The affordably priced WCE150 is designed to produce...
Vairo Valdymo Aušintuvas

Vairo Valdymo Aušintuvas

Material: Aluminium Oberfläche: gleitgeschliffen Anwendung: Kühlkörper für elektonisches Steuergerät Lenksystem Besonderheiten: hohe Toleranzgenauigkeit


Griff mit Abgleitschutz
SheerWeave® 7200R Uždanga / 7250R Filtruojanti - SheerWeave Produktai Interjerui

SheerWeave® 7200R Uždanga / 7250R Filtruojanti - SheerWeave Produktai Interjerui

Contemporaneo o tradizionale, SheerWeave® 7200R integra qualsiasi stile di design, unendo una copertura oscurante con un tessuto neutro ma leggermente variegato. SheerWeave® 7250R offre un’opzione di filtraggio della luce, utilizzando lo stesso motivo di SheerWeave® 7200R per consentire alla luce naturale di illuminare gli spazi interni. Questi tessuti sono adatti a tende a rullo, tende a pacchetto e sistemi con tenda a pannello e sono ideali per l’uso residenziale. Tipo:7200R, 7250R Larghezza standard:118" (300 cm) Lunghezza standard rotolo:22 iarde lineari (20 m)
DYNO®-MILL UBM - Efektyvi dispersija ir ultrafino malimo jūsų produktams

DYNO®-MILL UBM - Efektyvi dispersija ir ultrafino malimo jūsų produktams

Le nom du DYNO®-MILL UBM est déjà tout un programme : Universal Bead Mill. Il a été développé pour une utilisation universelle. La nouvelle génération de ces broyeurs à billes WAB couvre tout l’éventail d’applications, de la dispersion au broyage ultrafin. Elle convient pour les billes de broyage de 0.2 à 2.5 mm de diamètre. Grâce à ses grandes surfaces de passage du tamis, le nouveau système de broyage permet des débits élevés et des viscosités importantes. Un atout du DYNO®-MILL UBM est la répartition particulièrement homogène des billes de broyage dans l’espace de broyage actif. Cela permet de déterminer simplement et rapidement les paramètres de processus stables et efficaces tant en mode par passages qu’en circulation.
Atsipalaiduojantis Aliejus - MASAŽO PRODUKTAI

Atsipalaiduojantis Aliejus - MASAŽO PRODUKTAI

Pour soulager vos douleurs musculaires du quotidien cette huile est très bien adaptée. Elle agit rapidement sur le muscle et tout son environnement Référence:Decontractante 50 ml
Ekologiška Veido Priežiūra - Ekologiškų Produktų Veido Priežiūrai Gamintojas

Ekologiška Veido Priežiūra - Ekologiškų Produktų Veido Priežiūrai Gamintojas

Offrez à votre peau la santé et la beauté qu’elle mérite en concoctant votre routine parmi notre gamme de soins visage bio.
Purškiklis Pažeistiems ir Blizgiems Plaukams b2Hair Biotin, 250 ml - Purškiklis Pažeistiems ir Blizgiems Plaukams

Purškiklis Pažeistiems ir Blizgiems Plaukams b2Hair Biotin, 250 ml - Purškiklis Pažeistiems ir Blizgiems Plaukams

The spray conditions, vitaminizes and moisturizes hair. Restores shine, gives a well-groomed look and shine. INGREDIENTS: Aqua, Amodimethicone, Cetrimonium Chloride, Sorbitan Caprylate, Propanediol, Benzoic Acid, Polyquaternium-10, Biotin, Hydrolyzed Silk, Fibroin, 1,2-Hexanediol, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Lactic Acid, Chenopodium Quinoa Seed Extract, Niacinamide, Parfum, Disodium EDTA, Tocopheryl Acetate, Retinyl Palmitate. HOW TO USE: Аpply to dried hair from a distance of 25-30 cm (inches). Indelible products should be used only on clean hair. After application, it is recommended to run your hands or a comb through the hair to maximize the nutrition of the hair.
BIOTICAN - SANITARINIS 4X5L - ekologiškas sanitarinis valiklis - Probiotinis ekologiškas valiklis

BIOTICAN - SANITARINIS 4X5L - ekologiškas sanitarinis valiklis - Probiotinis ekologiškas valiklis

Nettoyant sanitaire probiotique. - Prévient la formation de tartre et du calcaire. - Sans danger pour l'utilisateur et l'environnement. - Facilite l'entretien ultérieur de la surface traitée. PROPRIÉTÉS - Élimine rapidement et en toute sécurité toutes les salissures quotidiennes dans les sanitaires, les lavabos, les toilettes,... - La concentration exceptionnelle en Probiotiques assure une action naturelle et durable de la saleté résiduelle. - Biodégradable. pH:10,0 N° article:CPSB331-25 Conditionnement:4 x 5 L Unité :4 Unit(s) Parfum:Fleur d'eau